Glenn Harasym

Best Solar Christmas Lights

5 Best Solar Christmas Lights 2023 (Outdoor & Waterproof)

Say farewell to the hassles of running extension cords across your whole yard and fretting over skyrocketing electricity bills. Solar Christmas lights offer a smart solution to brighten your home with a festive glow using green tech. In this post, we rate the best solar Christmas lights available and tell you their pros and cons.

5 Best Solar Christmas Lights 2023 (Outdoor & Waterproof) Read More »

Solar Carport

Solar Carports: Are they Worth IT?

Let’s cut straight to the chase on this one. Solar carports are more expensive than roof-mounted panels… But, they do have a few distinct advantages that roof-mounted panels don’t! Oftentimes, rooftop solar has a lot of extras that people don’t anticipate: Does your roof face the right direction? Is there shading on your roof? What

Solar Carports: Are they Worth IT? Read More »

Sense Energy Monitor

Sense Energy Monitor: … a Shocking Review ;)

If you are trying to mix economic savings with a reduced environmental footprint in your daily life, then the Sense Energy Monitor might be what you are looking for. Join us as we explore the features, functionalities, and real-world impact of this cutting-edge device, so you can learn the good and the bad, and ultimately

Sense Energy Monitor: … a Shocking Review ;) Read More »

Best Home Energy Monitor

The Best Home Energy Monitor (2023)

With energy prices on the rise and environmental consciousness growing stronger, energy monitors offer a golden opportunity to enjoy dual benefits without breaking the bank. So, what are the best home energy monitors with the best return on investment? Energy monitors have the potential to slash household energy consumption by anywhere from 6% to an impressive

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What Is a Home Energy Monitor

What is a Home Energy Monitor: and Do You Need One?

Picture this: you’re the energy detective of your house, catching sneaky energy vampires in real-time. Your superpower? A Home Energy Monitor! It’s not just a gadget; it’s a game-changer, putting you in the driver’s seat of your energy use. Join us as we dive into the world of home energy monitoring – uncovering its perks

What is a Home Energy Monitor: and Do You Need One? Read More »