
Our Latest Project

Project Leo

Project Leo

A multi-generational passive house that costs less than a normal house…. seems too good to be true. But it isn’t! Project Leo is made up of two climate positive homes that costs owners less per month than standard homes.

The homes are fully electric, powered by solar, internally located within a city, and low carbon in production. They are also designed to be scalable in production. iTT and Homes By Sorensen collaborated to design, fund, build and study this revolutionary project. We can say with confidence. The numbers look great!

Come see what a home of the future looks like.

Our Services


We are excited to provide a modern understanding of why sustainability matters and how it works? We offer a host of talks that center on education from a guilt-free and solutions based perspective.


Looking to start your organizations journey to sustainability? We focus on helping companies start on the right foot. Let us help you set the right goals and find the right team.

Let's collaborate!