Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy & Disclosure

At The iTT Project, our goal is to help readers learn about sustainability to improve the world and their lives.

Part of how we do that is by recommending products, options, and education. Below, you can find more information on our editorial process, including how we make these decisions and how we may be compensated for our content.

Editorial Process

Our main goal as a content-driven platform is to find the best solutions for our readers. That may be through providing understanding on a topic, solutions, or by recommending potential products.

In any case, we’re committed to useful, accurate and practical information above all else. Helping our readers solve problem’s and challenges is our top priority, and we firmly believe that if we do that the right way, everything else will fall into place. We do our best to keep our stories updated with links to products and applicable references. We also do our best to assess references for validity.

For products we strive to recommend great products by getting first hand experience with these products or by consulting our extensive, experienced, and trusted networks. We also pride ourselves on our research and commitment to putting out the best possible stories for our readers.

Affiliate Links & Recommendations

In many of our articles, we may earn a small commission when readers purchase products through our links. This doesn’t affect which products are included in the articles, and in most cases our writers are not aware of which brands and products offer us a sales commission. All of the products we highlight are recommended for their quality, performance and overall reputation regardless of any affiliate relationships.

The commissions we make from these articles allows us to continue to put out our dedicated content. If we receive direct payment from a brand, we more thoroughly vet this brand to assure that they align with The iTT Project’s values so we can continue to be trusted by our readers. Any brands or products that pay for promotion or advertising on the site is considered “Sponsored.”

Amazon Associates & Other Programs

As an Amazon Associate, The iTT Project may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. Our reputation as trusted experts in sustainability is what matters to us most and guides what we recommend to our readers. You can learn more about us here, or get in touch if you have questions or comments surrounding our mission.