Hello World! – Welcome to the iTT Project

The iTT Project writers Emily and Glenn

Hello World! And welcome to The iTT Project, a space for engaging and learning about sustainable lifestyle choices that don’t suck. We are Glenn and Emily, a husband/wife duo who give a shit about the environment but also like to travel and eat meat (well, just Glenn likes meat). The iTT Project  is the result of 13 years of conversations between the two of us about the state of the environment and the search for tangible ways to reduce our impacts.

A little about us

Emily is a social worker who has been working in community for 15 years. She is currently completing her masters in community development, focusing on climate change adaptation and resilience for communities most at risk of adverse impacts for climate change. 

Glenn is an environmental scientist with over a decade of experience working on energy, resource and housing  projects. He has seen first hand the impacts that the energy and resource extracting industries can have on the environment and wildlife. Now he is working with governments to advise on how to make sustainable decisions in the interest of the public.

Why we started this blog

Our mission is to help you feel less guilty about your choices and provide practical solutions that are easy to put into action. We want you to feel good about the decisions you make every day and enjoy the things you love (like eating avocado toast) without feeling like you’re letting the planet down.

We come to this space as people who have gone through all the stages of grief as it relates to the environment and how we exist in it. We understand that talking about climate change and climate change solutions can be scary and can leave people feeling overwhelmed. Our hope is that we can help people understand what they can do to start reducing their impacts while not sacrificing their lifestyle (well, you will need to make some changes, but we got you). 

We want to create a space where you can learn about climate change solutions, talk to other like-minded people, and be part of a community that’s ready to take action. Think of it as your own personal cheerleading squad, cheering you on as you make small changes that can make a huge impact on the planet.

We are also coming to this space as people who are still learning and by no means do we think we have it all figured out. This is a journey of evaluating how we make impacts and if we can adjust our choices to make better ones. Sometimes though, we make bad choices fully knowing what we are doing. But that’s okay!  We’re all human, and we’re all (i)n (T)his (T)ogether.

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